Monday, March 7, 2011

-Up To Date-

So much has transpired in the last 3 weeks. We had our last service in the fellowship hall, our first in the sanctuary, a baby born and dedicated, many visiting ministers and great moves of God in our services. On Feb. 13, we moved upstairs, to everyone's absolute joy! We have been given words from God through Bro. Terry Mays, Bro. Rustyn Sorah and Bro. Jones in these last weeks.
Bro. Aaron & Sis. Tasha Ferrell had a healthy baby boy, Aaron Samuel Ferrell. He was born on February 1, at 4:24 PM. He was 20 in. long and weighed exactly 7 lbs. The couple, along with their family, dedicated him to the Lord on Feb. 27.
The recurring theme in message after message has been revival. There has been an obvious sign of spiritual growth here at FPC. We want more and more of it! We are ready for whatever God has in store and we are willing to do whatever it takes to receive it.
Let us not forget Bro. Calvert and the family with his surgery scheduled tomorrow, March 8, at 11 AM. This is a very important and critical surgery and he needs all of us to support him with our prayers. Also, Sis. Silene Huckabey has surgery scheduled tomorrow morning, please keep her in your prayers as well.